7 Noticeable Behaviors of Teen Depression

Teenagers are bombarded with negative images from television and the internet.  Many times their minds are just too young to differentiate between reality and imagination. Most teens are unable to articulate that they are depressed. As a result, they refuse Read more

Red Flags of Autism

Autism and other developmental delays are more common than most people know.  Many parents feel isolated because of the stigma related to these issues.  If you suspect that your child is experiencing developmental delay(s), it is critical that you seek Read more

3 Activities to Reduce Stress

Stress can come in so many different forms.  Many people experience stress but ignore the severity of it.  Stress can cause one to ruin valuable relationships, jobs and overall happiness.  Some effective activities that can help to alleviate stress are: 1. Writing Read more

6 Foods that Can Boost Your Mood

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What we put in our bodies has a direct impact on our mood. The body is a complex machine and must be given the proper fuel to thrive. Do you sometimes experience a fluctuation in energy and happiness? Consuming healthy foods is the beginning of a clear mind. When we consume foods that provide us needed nutrients, we see an uplift in our mood.  In addition, nutrient-rich foods have endless physical benefits.

  1. Carrots-Vitamin A
  2. Meats and Leafy Greens-Vitamin B
  3. Broccoli-Vitamin C
  4. Salmon-Vitamin D
  5. Nuts and Seeds-Vitamin E
  6. Spinach-Vitamin K